We Make AI Better. Faster.
Kolena ensures quality is built into your AI system: from data, to engineering, to testing, to deployment.
Our Mission: Define New Quality Standards for AI

Founded by machine learning engineers and executives, Kolena was built from first-hand experience with the challenges of building reliable and safe AI. And we know there's a better way.

About Us

Founded by machine learning engineers and executives who are passionate about AI Quality, Kolena is on a mission to define new quality standards for ML. The company provides robust, end-to-end ML model testing, from computer vision, LLMs//NLP to generative AI, and multi-modal models, with the goal of ensuring trustworthiness and reliability in an increasingly AI-driven world.

Compliance & Certifications

The security and compliance needs of our customers are a top priority at Kolena. We continuously work on making sure we live up to the highest industry standards.

Meet the Leadership Team

We’ve built AI products and infrastructure at companies like Amazon, Rakuten, and Palantir—and we’re passionate about putting the same powerful solutions in your hands.
  • Mohamed Elgendy
    Mohamed Elgendy
    Co-Founder & CEO
  • Andrew Shi
    Andrew Shi
    Co-Founder & CTO
  • Gordon Hart
    Gordon Hart
    Co-Founder & CPO

Our Investors


Join the Team

At Kolena, we’re passionate about helping ML teams build fast, reliable, scalable, and safe AI. And we’re proud that some of the leading organizations in the world use Kolena. Join us!